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NIU Gova C0

70 කි.මී.
Charge Time
300 මිනිත්තු
0.4 කිලෝවොට් (0.5 අශ්ව බලය)
රු. 156,806.08💱
බයිසිකල් පෙඩල්
විද්‍යුත් බ්‍රේක් පද්ධතිය (EBS)
🇨🇳 China තුළ නිෂ්පාදිත
⭐ 🇱🇰 368 -7
Gova C0
Battery Life
3000 cycles
0.4 කිලෝවොට් (0.5 අශ්ව බලය)
70 කි.මී.
25 කි.මී/පැය සහ 45 කි.මී/පැය
Charge Time
300 මිනිත්තු
උපරිම වේගය
25 කි.මී/පැය

The Gova C0 is a smart electric scooter created by electric scooter brand NIU from China. The company was founded in 2014 by the former CTO of Baidu (the Chinese Google) and a former employee of Microsoft. The company is listed on NASDAQ and provides exceptionally high-quality and durable products.

Niu C0 electric scooter seat heightThe Gova C0 is specifically designed for girls and is world's first woman's scooter. The scooter is light weight, has a lower seat height of just 740 mm (29 inches) and has a light battery that is easy to carry.

The scooter has a 400 වොට් electric motor for a top speed of 25 කි.මී/පැය. The scooter has bicycle pedals and can be used as a bicycle.

The scooter has a removable lithium battery made by Panasonic for a driving range of 70 කි.මී.. The battery is of the same type as the batteries in the Tesla Model S. NIU provides 2 years warranty on the batteries.

The battery is state of the art and has over a dozen built-in protections such as low and high temperature protections, over and under discharge protections, and short circuit protections.

The scooter is equipped with an EBS braking system that provides a 50% shorter braking distance than most other scooters. The system also provides in a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.

The scooter is made of aerospace grade aluminum, has dual disc brakes and has an iconic Halo Light for improved visibility and safety.

Smart Scooter

The Nova G3 is a true smart scooter that connects to a smart phone. Everything from battery monitoring to GPS to ride history, the NIU app keeps the driver connected and up-to-date with the whereabouts and health of the scooter. The app provides in an anti-theft system that warns the driver when the scooter is moved. With GPS it is possible to track the position of the scooter in real time.

Niu Gova C0 smart scooter app

The scooter has a beautiful girl style digital dashboard.

Niu C0 electric scooter %1$s

The scooter has a glove compartment and USB charge ports for a mobile phone.

The scooter is available in many colors.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide. NIU has a global dealership network that can provide reliable service in most countries.

Gova Model Series

2025 NIU Models

Old Models

NIU NIU brand profile and 2025 model overview: 🛵 e-scooter.co/@/niu/

🌏 Asian Manufacturer

Niu Technologies Group Ltd. Shanghai🇨🇳 China

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