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පුද්ගලිකත්ව ප්‍රතිපත්තිය බලන්න

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හයිඩ්‍රජන් වංචාව පිළිබඳ කියවන්න සෞඛ්‍ය අවදානම: තුනී ජලය පමණක් නිෂ්පාදනය වීම යනු අසත්‍යයකි

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මෙම පිටුව ඉක්මනින් නැවත පවතින්නේය.

Super Soco TC Wanderer

Super Soco
110 කි.මී.
Charge Time
240 මිනිත්තු
3.3 කිලෝවොට් (4.4 අශ්ව බලය)
රු. 1,306,820.52💱
මාරු කළ හැකි බැටරිය
🇨🇳 China තුළ නිෂ්පාදිත
⭐ 🇱🇰 24 -4
Super Soco
TC Wanderer
Battery Life
3000 cycles
3.3 කිලෝවොට් (4.4 අශ්ව බලය)
110 කි.මී.
25 කි.මී/පැය සහ 45 කි.මී/පැය
Charge Time
240 මිනිත්තු
උපරිම වේගය
75 කි.මී/පැය

The TC Wanderer is an electric scooter from the brand Super Soco from China. The company was founed in 2015 by Sherman Xie, a former general manager of exterior design at Honda. In 2017 the company entered into a joint venture with Vmoto from China/Australia.

The TC Wanderer is a new version of the popular TC model.

The TC Wanderer has a 17" in-wheel 3,300 වොට් electric motor (hub motor) with a high torque for fast acceleration. The motor provides a top speed of 75 කි.මී/පැය.

The moped can be equipped with 2 removable batteries that provide a range of 110 කි.මී..

The moped has front and rear double piston disc brakes with CBS brake assist system for powerful braking performance in any weather condition. The moped has an upside down front fork and dual compound tires that provide maximum grip in curves.

Super Soco TC Wanderer dashboardThe moped has a classic dashboard combined with a modern high contrast LCD dashboard that provides access to information such as battery status and speed.

The front LED light unit provides powerful modern lightning in a classic look.

Super Soco TC Wanderer storageThe moped offers a lockable storage compartment.

Smart moped

The Super Soco TC Wanderer is a true smart moped that connects to a smart phone for access to moped applications and information such as speed and battery state.

The moped is available in many colors and offers many accessories.

The moped can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.

🌏 Asian Manufacturer

Speedy Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 3938 Huqingping Road, Room 113-114, Building 72-2, Mochiji LandShanghai🇨🇳 China

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හයිඩ්‍රජන් වංචාව පිළිබඳ කියවන්න සෞඛ්‍ය අවදානම: තුනී ජලය පමණක් නිෂ්පාදනය වීම යනු අසත්‍යයකි